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Ending Shabbat: Havdalah

A silver spice box, a silver cup on a saucer, and a braided yellow candle in a holder.

Shabbat ends when three stars are visible in the evening sky. Havdalah means, literally, separation. It is the ritual that distinguishes between the sacred time of Shabbat and the ordinary time of the rest of the week. Incorporating candles, wine, and spices, havdalah appeals to our senses as we leave the pleasure of Shabbat behind. Many people also use the time occurrence or symbols of havdalah as a basis for other rituals, building on its themes of separation, distinction, and new beginnings.

Latest Rituals

A beautiful new addition to Eliyahu HaNavi
a wadi stands in teh desert against small hills
Rabbi Jill Hausman shares a contemporary havdalah ceremony.
a blue and white havdalah candle

Custom based on the mystical belief that the restorative waters of Miriam’s Well flow through all wells and natural springs on Saturday night

Two people smiling and clinking colorful cups in a celebratory gesture.

“We reach out to hold You close a bit longer.”

Person smiling near a lit candle, reaching out a hand towards the flame.

“Blessed are You who distinguishes between life and death”

Silhouette of a person standing in front of a bright, narrow doorway in a dark room.

Havdalah ceremony using humanist language

A person smiling and holding a metal dreidel.

Havdalah ceremony from Minneapolis honoring the memory of George Floyd

A lit, twisted blue and white candle against a black background.
Smiling woman holding a shiny, metallic spinning top in her hands.

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