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On the Seder Table

a seder plate set on a table

Parsley, haroset, oranges, Miriam’s Cup: What are these symbolic objects we find on the seder table? Where do they all go?

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Poet Corie Feiner’s collection of poems explores the seder plate symbols with depth and beauty.
items on a silver seder plate
Rabbi Lisa S. Greene shares an addition to the seder plate for 2024/5784.
closeup of a fig growing on a tree
“Pesakh’s blue plate, / a strange / and yet familiar / gathering of ingredients”
seder plate with greens, egg, shank bone, haroset, maror
“We try to still this sweet / and fragile moment together”
Close-up of stacked crispy flatbreads with a bumpy texture, partially in focus.

“This Passover, there will be a place for lesbians in Judaism”

Close-up of a sliced bread loaf with oats on top, crumbs scattered on a dark surface.
A stack of matzah next to a glass of red wine on a lace doily.
A girl in a red dress collects eggs in a basket held by an adult with a hen.

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