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Gender & Sexual Identity

A smiling couple sitting on a couch with a young child between them.

Throughout our lives as we explore the world around us, we also discover elements of ourselves. For the LGBTIQ community the process of coming out, transitioning, and experimenting with gender and sexual identity may come with public or private struggles for acceptance, some which may be difficult or painful. Through ritual we can honor the range of emotions and experiences along this journey, support each other to become our true and best selves, and celebrate what makes each of us special and unique.

Latest Rituals

An Interpretive and Abbreviated Amidah for Daily Davening during Pride Month
pride flag against a blue sky with white clouds
An affirmative, creative ritual for coming out to a community.
two women wrapped in a pride flag walking in a pride parade
This prayer includes a version for someone coming out and for someone receiving them.
the Pride flad of rainbow colors
This Asexual Coming Out Ceremony can be done by any group or congregation, in any setting.
hand holding small glass of water
“I stand confident in the knowledge of my identity, / and am proud of my courage to claim it.”
A person reaches out their hands to the sunset
To be recited by the person coming out and those who celebrate them.
two hands holding small paper asexual flag
A poem to mourn the losses of life to AIDS
disco ball in dark room
A full ritual meal for LGBTQIA+ pride.
person in purple shirt holding rainbow cookies

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