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Type: Prayer

Latest Rituals

Experiencing personal revelation

Two stone tablets with the Ten Commandments inscribed, set against a sandy desert background.

“Let our kindness burst forth like a bountiful harvest”

Person in a white dress stands in a sunlit wheat field, with soft golden hues during sunset.

A ritual for saying goodbye to a sacred text or person

A black and white photo of two people hugging on a beach.

Traditional blessings for mikveh immersion

A woman in a white shirt floats calmly on water, with her eyes closed and hair submerged.

“May we show teamwork and pride, may we display courage and strength.”

A group of people standing in a circle, stacking their hands together in an outdoor setting.

May you have the courage to mark your space”

A hand touches a mezuzah mounted on a door frame.

In praise of structure

An ornate wrought iron gate stands open, set in a stone wall, with lush green trees in the background.

To love oneself is to reflect the image of G-d

Woman meditating peacefully in a sunlit field, surrounded by tall grass and a warm glow.

A personal reflection on leaving Eden

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A contemporary Dayeinu

Matzo arranged on a platter with red, purple, and pink tulips on the side.

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

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