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Topic Tags: mourning

Latest Rituals

“May we honor the earth that has received the remnants of that which has been destroyed”

a group of candles glow against a dark background

“Allah, Adonai – please give ear to us”


Prayer for those who lost their lives in the Mount Meron stampede on Lag B’Omer, April 29, 2021

a photo of many candles

“What we witness is bound upon our hearts.”


“To all who died from global warming and climate change”


Marking the loss of half a million Americans to COVID-19


A poem inspired by attending an online shiva


“The past and the present are one here”


“May the memory of this year spark a revolution within us to build a stronger, more just and loving world.”

A close-up of multiple candles in a vigil

“Maybe it was a niggun / That taught God how to speak”


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Our special Resilience Boost package includes curated resources of poetry and prayers to turn to for strength and support and (optional) weekly meditations for hope and equanimity arriving to you by text or email each Tuesday through the election season.

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