Praying for healing after the devastating loss of a pregnancy
A contemporary prayer asking for God’s sustenance and “holding” through this difficult period
Description by a mother of her six-year-old son’s response to the death of his stillborn brother
These prayers are meant to be recited in synagogue as an introduction to birkat hagomel (a prayer said during the Torah service by one who has survived a dangerous situation) by someone who has suffered a miscarriage
A ritual divided into three parts: Mourning the Loss, Choosing Life Again, and Communal Support and Blessings
This ceremony uses the occasion of havdalah, the service separating Shabbat from the week, to mourn a miscarriage
A poem expressing the deep emotions of a miscarriage
A personal account describing the author’s experience of losing a baby before rituals were developed to encourage mourning
A prayer combining contemporary words and Hebrew selections from the High Holy Day Amidah (standing silent prayer)
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