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Topic Tags: holiness

Latest Rituals

This ritual creates an accessible mikveh experience for home-bound people.
Minimalist bathroom with a white freestanding bathtub, wooden caddy, towels, and large frosted windows.
“Feeling the stone rolling off the well, / I welcome / This new day.”
Sunrise over a serene lake surrounded by forested mountains and soft clouds.
This new blessing for medical devices, such as insulin pumps and feeding tubes, and focuses on the mitzvah of shmirat haguf, taking care of one’s body.
A person wearing jeans with an insulin pump tucked into a pocket, connected to a charger with braided strings.
To love an idea can be quite quite / satisfying but only the body, beloved, / is holy, holy, holy.
a black and white photo of a dancer with short hair wearing a long skirt with bent knees, face angled upward, and arm extending to the side
“Instead of color and shape and symbols or frame / I ponder what is holy…”
a ketubah with a voting badge hanging on the frame
“There is holiness / in the face of a flower…”
close of up a purple floer
A special tree inspires a sacred moment.
tree in shape of a heart
“I stand confident in the knowledge of my identity, / and am proud of my courage to claim it.”
A person reaches out their hands to the sunset

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