Source of Life, cleanse our world…
Send rains of health and wellbeing,
Wash away the contagion surrounding us,
Bathe our souls in lasting love.
Creator of All, see us through.
Help us discover Your many blessings.
Teach us to appreciate Your bounty.
Allow us to know Your grace.
We are as infants newly born;
Seeing as if just granted sight,
Hearing as if we never had,
Learning again, how precious life is.
We know this trial is large …
Still, we have faced others before
And Your strength saw us through.
We trust You are with us.
Torah is our Tree of Life.
Your gift given us at Sinai.
We embrace it now, as then,
Speaking heartfelt prayers, hoping You listen;
Adonai, hear us and heal us.
Raise us high above the dust.
Provide us with vision and courage,
Always holding us in Your hands.