Paint the Sky with Your Heart

Rainbow eruptions
Of Gd’s love intentions.
Myriad hues,
Deeply saturated with hope.
Broadly sweeping,
Yet minutely exacting,
Like brushstrokes
Of glory,
Of life …

Show us the streaks 
Of bold colored crimsons,
Melting so softly 
Into filigreed rose gold.
Remind us 
With beauty
Of how You 
Are variation.
Our differences 
All become one.
Take the thick blackness
In the corners,
Scatter a multitude 
Of pinpoint 
Use starlight and gravity
As perfect punctuation,
So that moral 
Sweeps away fear.
You paint the sky
With Your loving heart, 
Filling Your canvas
With sacred ideals.
Unique use of shading,
Melding shadow
And light,
Producing in Your wisdom
Creative new works,
Like an interactive play
Where wonders emerge.
What plan do You have 
For us today?
What will we find
On this unique morning?
You unveiled this day 
As a gift
Of set duration.
You imbued it
With purpose,
With power,
And Spiritual 
Show us tall clouds 
Climbing high 
Into nothingness.
The swooping of a hawk,
In breathtaking flight.
Both blinding 
And soothingly warm,
Let’s us know Your caress
Beaming down
From the heavens.
Applying these colors
Which infuse 
Our beings,
You give birth 
To our souls
And glaze them 
With brilliance.
And redirecting them,
Tuning the spectrum
Of infinite combination, 
You work with patience
Until we are born
As pure love.
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