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Healing from Within: Seeking Closure Without an Apology

person wearing white shirt out in a field with palm on their own heart
That relationship meant so much to me.
Then it exploded in the caldron of anger.
Something in me was wounded by the loss.
I carry that pain deep within me.
I’ve hoped somehow that an apology,
A coming together again, might be in the offing.
But alas it seems not likely to be.
And each memory is another stab into my wound.
I’m finding a way to live again.
I turn my attention to other things.
Yet that ugly scab covers my scar.
How can I shed that scab and find healing for my scar?
Who is responsible for my hurt?
Did you cause it?
And so now must I wait for you to fix me?
Or does the pain come from my own internal reaction?
If my hurt comes from my internal reaction and not from you,
Then perhaps I can begin the repair process of changing my belief.
If I feed self-love to my scar,
Can I begin healing from within?

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