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A Caregiver’s Prayer

An elderly person in bed holds hands with a caregiver, conveying comfort and companionship.

Shekhinah, we live in a broken world, and the light gets in through the cracks.

I come seeking this light and I come seeking lightness.

I have opened my heart to the suffering of others and I am heavy with their voices.

Help me release this darkness and pain, help me discover a shelter of peace within

so that I may open the shelter of my heart again to those who are in need.

Shekhinah, I come seeking courage.

The courage to combat despair,

the courage to find sparks of light in each moment of suffering,

and the courage to ask others for help

when I can no longer see the sparks in the darkness.

Shekhinah, I come seeking the sacred balance

of hesed (lovingkindness) and gevurah (strength).

Sustain my empathy as I create the distance I need for my own healing.

Help me hold onto light as I release the suffering that has taken root in my heart.

Teach me about tiferet (harmony).

Teach me that letting go, like holding on, is an act of love.

Blessed are you, Shekhinah,

Healer of Healers,

who makes us whole and holy in Your embrace.


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