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Blessing for Pride

This prayer was created to encourage and empower synagogues and organizations to incorporate LGBTIQ Pride into their synagogue celebrations on Shabbat.

Mekor Ha-hayyim, Source of Life, You have blessed each of us with Your Spirit. In Your Wisdom, you have made each of us a unique treasure. M’ayan Hayyeinu, Wellspring of our Lives, cause us to flow with courage, strength, and compassion to live our stories openly, proudly, and joyfully.

Shekhinah shel Ahavah, Presence of Love, You embrace us with Your Love. May we embrace ourselves, our partners, our lovers, our friends, our children, our dear ones with the power of Your Ahavah Rabbah, Your Unending, Boundless Love.

Ruakh Ha-shalom, Spirit of Peace and Wholeness, open our eyes to the gifts and blessings we offer and receive from each other; open our hearts to welcome each other fully and truly; open our hands to embrace, to support, to lift each other b’geelah, b’reenah, b’shalom, u’v’rei-ut—with joy, with song, with peace, and with deep friendship.

Today, [on this Shabbat], as we celebrate renewal, Pride, and community, let us walk together with strength, compassion, and love.

(נְבָרֵךְ אֶת מַעְיַן חַיֵּינוּ תְּקַדֵּשׁ וּתְשַׂמֵּחַ אוֹתָנוּ (וְאֶת הֲשַׁבַּת

N’varekh et ma’ayan hayyeinu, t’kadesh u’t’sa’me’akh otanu [Vvet ha-Shabbat]. Amen.

We bless You, Wellspring of our Lives; May You fill us [and Shabbat] with joy and sanctity. Amen.

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