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A Prayer of Beresheit in Time of War

children in silhouette playing on the rocks
God of the infant’s cry on first exhalation,
help me want to embrace
all those who cry
in most primal sound,
in the language we are all
being taught to understand.
God of Chaos 
and God of Light,
God who took the raw materials
of Tohu V’vohu–
darkness, desolation and emptiness–
God who hovered
and God who spoke,
God who broke open
through a Spark of Light
held within uttered word,
help me rest within Bo Hu,
“He is Within It.”
believing that at the core 
of this violent tumult
awaits the potential of all creation,
not yet imagined.
God of Tikvah,
God of Building, 
God of Tender Hope,
unseal my mouth,
transform my words
that fall like bombs
into words for the sake of 
a Good Creation–
for us,
for the children, 
and for the children’s children;
for this process, too,
belongs to Echad.

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