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Yesh Makom: May There Be Space

two people sit before a sunrise
May there be space in my heart for my most honest, courageous, and heartbroken prayer.
May there be space for a prayer for all those missing or taken to return home with likely broken spirits but living bodies.
May there be space for a prayer for comfort for their families and loved ones.
May there be space for a prayer for all of the Israelis murdered in this massacre and may their memories be made into blessings.
May there be space for a prayer of comfort for their families and loved ones.
May there be space for a prayer for the spiritual healing of all who have experienced and witnessed this tragedy.
May there be space for a prayer for spiritual healing for all those who are watching the aftermath with horror.
May there be space for a prayer of protection for the IDF soldiers in battle with likely despair in their hearts but with will for survival in their minds.
May there be space for a prayer for comfort for their families and loved ones.
May there be space for a prayer for healing and blessing of all the civilians of Gaza who have been hurt or will be hurt, have been killed or will be killed as a result of this war.
May there be space for a prayer of healing and protection for all the inhabitants of that geographic region, Israelis and Palestinians and others, who have endured over 75 years of conflict.
May there somehow, someday be enough space, physical space and spiritual space, for both peoples to coexist in peace.
May there still be space…even now…. may there always be space for my desperate yearning for peace.
May there be space for a prayer for all the children in that region who cannot and should not need to understand the reasons for the trauma around them.
May there be space for a prayer of comfort for the pain of helplessness of all of us that are far away from that place yearning to do something; anything.
May there be space for a prayer of justice served, in its right time, to those who carried out his inhumane attack and those who supported it.
May there be space for a prayer of teshuvah, in its right time, to those who were complicit, distracted, or could have prevented the atrocity.
May there be space for history and context, may there be space for mistakes and faith, may there be space for hope.
May there be space for a prayer for all of those who hate Jews and a prayer for all of those who hate Israel; may their pain be healed.
May there be space for a prayer for all of those who hate Palestinians, and a prayer for all those who hate Arabs; may their pain be healed.
May there be space for a prayer for the despair at where we are, the shame of how we got here, and the complete unknown of where we go next.
May there be space for a prayer for peace for all of Israel and for all beings.
Blessed are You HaMakom, may there be space for You in these prayers.

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