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And Now….

light filters through trees

In the Beginning

        GOD created

                the heavens and the earth

                        and now…

                there is darkness on the face of the deep

        and the earth is void

of righteousness and compassion.

And GOD divided 

        between the heavens above

                and the heavens beneath

                        and now…

                the heavens are filled with cries of suffering

        and the seas could never contain

the oceans of innocent blood.

And the Holy One

        Blessed Be

                gathered together the waters on earth

                        and now…

                upon the dry land there is

        grass and trees bearing fruit

and anger bearing hatred and death.

And on the fourth day

        The Eternal GOD illuminated

                sun and moon and stars

                        and now…

                darkness threatens to overcome

        the power of light

and the forces of evil and war unite.


        called forth living creatures

                to swarm in the heavens and in the seas

                        and now…

                the skies are filled

        with weapons of destruction

and violence clouds the very air we breathe.

And the Creator

        of all the world said

                Let us make animals and human beings

                        and now…

                human beings have become as animals

        that demand domination over all GOD’s works

and kill and destroy what they cannot control

But on the seventh day

        GOD rested from all labor

                and GOD blessed the work of Creation

                        and now…

                we must live that blessing

        we must turn from death and war

and learn again the message of hope and love and peace.

And now…

        let there be peace

        let there be light

        let there be promise

        let there be love.


(I wrote this poem just moments after hearing the tragic news of the assassination of Israeli Prime Minister Yitzchak Rabin on 4 November 1995/ 12 Cheshvan 5756)



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