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Starting a Family

A happy family of three smiling at the camera, with a child in the center between two adults.
In contemporary homes, starting a family is often a deliberate choice. The experience of pregnancy, the drama of giving birth, and the miracle of adoption are occasions for joy and wonder. These are also experiences that can be fraught with pain and struggle, reflecting the full spectrum of life and death. We offer prayers for those who are trying to conceive, prayers for pregnancy and childbirth, rituals for parents preparing to adopt, mourning ceremonies for miscarriages, blessings for those struggling with infertility, rituals to prepare for or acknowledge an abortion, and much more. 

Latest Rituals

A prayer to be said immediately following the birth of a child

A babys hand gently holding an adults finger on a soft white background.

A prayer to be said in synagogue for a mother who has newly given birth

mother and newborn baby

On the absence of ritual at the birth of daughters, with suggestions for new rituals for conception, pregnancy, and childbirth

woman in birthing tub with midwife nearby

A ceremony that a woman who has had an abortion can perform with a group of women. This ceremony uses the symbols of tashlich (casting out) and mikveh; the woman mourns the loss, renews herself, and attempts to bring closure to the abortion.

bowl of water with flowers floating in it

A ceremony that a pregnant woman or couple can perform with a close group of friends or family after the decision to have a therapeutic abortion has been made

A torn paper heart hanging on a string against a dark background.

A contemporary prayer asking for God’s sustenance and “holding” through this difficult period

woman walking away on beach at sunrise

Description by a mother of her six-year-old son’s response to the death of his stillborn brother

teddy bear on a small bench

These prayers are meant to be recited in synagogue as an introduction to birkat hagomel (a prayer said during the Torah service by one who has survived a dangerous situation) by someone who has suffered a miscarriage

hands in a stack

A ritual divided into three parts: Mourning the Loss, Choosing Life Again, and Communal Support and Blessings

Black ribbon elegantly curled on a plain white background.

This ceremony uses the occasion of havdalah, the service separating Shabbat from the week, to mourn a miscarriage

A braided blue and white candle burning with a bright flame against a black background.

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