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Daily Prayer & Mindfulness

Three people meditate on the floor, sitting in silence with eyes closed, in a bright room.

Every moment of every day invites us to pay attention. We can marvel at what happens within ourselves and the world outside of us. Some of us do this through prayer, others through mindfulness and meditation. No matter what form it takes, noticing and appreciating the wonder of life enhances the act of living.

Latest Rituals

” The painting is for grandparents, miles away, / who long for them…”
A watercolor painting of three smiling children sitting on autumn leaves near a lake.
“Feeling the stone rolling off the well, / I welcome / This new day.”
Sunrise over a serene lake surrounded by forested mountains and soft clouds.
This new blessing for medical devices, such as insulin pumps and feeding tubes, and focuses on the mitzvah of shmirat haguf, taking care of one’s body.
A person wearing jeans with an insulin pump tucked into a pocket, connected to a charger with braided strings.
“And may we always draw on joy in the darkness…”
a landscape of gray and brown mountains
This Gender-Expansive blessing includes a masculine, feminine and non-binary versions.
a person holds a blue tallit over their head
These new additions to the Amidah add created to recite leading up to the Presidential the election.
scrabble tile letters spell out freedom
“I strive to generate some forgiveness / for the failures of my growing up life…”
a person walks on a beach alone, towards the ocean
“praise Yah in the sunlight that filters through the window..”
a coffee mug sitting on a sunny window
Maggid Eli Andrew Ramer shares a new way to invite and connect to angels.
a woman sits on the ground with legs crossed and eyes closed
“May the descendants of Abraham, Sarah and Hagar drink from Be’er L’chai Ro’i, the wellspring of divine nourishment…”
gazelle climb on a hill in the desert

The Reconstructionist Network

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