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A memorial service for the prophet Jonah

a ship sails into the sunset

Capturing the Tree of Life pattern by creating a placenta print

tree in field

Selecting verses from Psalms on the basis of the Hebrew name of the deceased

blank notebook with flowers and pen

A tradition honoring a Torah reader at a funeral

torah on lectern
A ritual of gratitude for the life of a person who is dying
white towels soap shampoo

Recalls the concept of the Sheva Berakhot used in a wedding ceremony

newborn girl

Excerpt from an original babynaming ceremony in which the baby is welcomed into the covenant by perfuming her ears with myrtle

face of newborn baby

Lighting a candle, symbolic of the new soul born into the world. Can also be used like a yahrzeit candle to recall the departed soul for whom the baby is named. Also a covenantal symbol.

A lit white candle on a wooden table, with a blurred background.

Some couples wrap the baby in a tallit, perhaps the one used as their huppah, as a symbol of covenant or welcome

two hands holding tallit fringes

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