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Type: Poem

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“Floods and food and famine; we dream / a savior passing…”
a mother sheep and lamb stand on a rocky hill
“Moses came down from the mountain, / plenty tired and more than a little singed…”
a peak in the desert
Poet Corie Feiner’s collection of poems explores the seder plate symbols with depth and beauty.
items on a silver seder plate
“Now I hold a humble wooden spoon Its gentle shallow moon-shaped curve…”
a feather against a blue backdrop
“Did I harden my heart to survive?”
a woman places her hand on her heart
“Was pharaoh taught to love…”
a statue of the Pharoah wearing an Egyptian headdress
“God is the love that holds us together…”
A white heart beaming with light
“The annual retelling is like the sharing of all hard stories, / never told the same way twice.”
a wine glass and the hand of someone holding a Haggadah
Rabbi Lisa S. Greene shares an addition to the seder plate for 2024/5784.
closeup of a fig growing on a tree
This powerful new poem written for Passover 2024 uses the framework of the four children to explore the challenges in our world.
children sitting at a Passover table

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