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Topic Tags: weaning

Latest Rituals

This ritual guides you through the moment you choose to stop breastfeeding, packing up your breast pump and for your new relationship with your baby/child.
Close-up of an adult hand gently holding a babys hand, both resting on a soft, fluffy surface. Black and white.
“my body has been a source of sustenance and nourishment for my little one”
woman shown from afar sitting under tree with red leaves breastfeeding a baby. The woman is white with soft blond wavy hair.

A weaning ritual to allow child to transition to next phase of independence

woman helping toddler drink from cup
The author realizes that in a religion imbued with the idea of making ordinary moments sacred through blessing, there was no blessing for the moment of her first period. She explores how that moment would have been different had it been blessed.
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A ceremony to celebrate the weaning of a child

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A beautiful weaning ceremony celebrated at Havdalah for twins and their mom

A woman breastfeeding an infant while sitting on grass.

A ceremony marked by sweet scents

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