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Topic Tags: tenaim

Latest Rituals

Original tenaim document created for an American-Israeli couple, acknowledging both cultures

holding hands

Seven Jewish traditions performed before a wedding

jewish traditions before a wedding video from bimbam

Written for two men; adaptable for any two partners

two wedding rings

Origins of practices and the simplification of the betrothal-marriage process

signing ketubah

Created by a bride and groom in their personal spirit, with an exchange of gifts fulfilling the tradition of kinyan, the “bride price”

a colorful field of flowers underneath a pale sunset

A tena’im ceremony based on a traditional version but using a new tena’im contract spelling out the couple’s mutual obligations in marriage

What a view!

The Reconstructionist Network

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Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Come together with the Ritualwell community on September 11th for a special hour dedicated to the Jewish values connected to pursuing justice. Registration for this event includes a special Resilience Boost package of curated resources of poetry and prayers to turn to for strength and support through election season 

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The Reconstructionist Network