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Topic Tags: immigration

Latest Rituals

Kindle our moral imagination / so that our souls might sense / that redemption is still possible.
close up of border fence against bright blue sky
May this call of the shofar be a bridge between Olam Hazeh and Olam Haba
a person holding a sign that says "You shall love the immigrant" in English and Hebrew
Text sheet that takes a few lines of each chapter of Eikha and puts a parallel quote from an immigrant parent separated from their children.
the corner of a barbed-wire fence

A prophetic response to attacks on democracy

A person holds a sign reading We are better than this! during a protest march in a tree-lined street.

Beautiful melody for Mah Tovu

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“We walk on cracked earth / forward on swollen feet…”

Silhouettes of two hikers helping each other on a mountain with a clear sky and rugged peaks in the background.

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