Adonai—Adonai, source of compassion
before people sin and
Adonai—compassion after the Â
deed is done, whose
El—eternal empathy
for every living thing and neverending
Rakhum—grace for all of
humanity soothes our anxieties, whose
Ve-khanun—infinite mercy brings comfort to those whoÂ
judge themselves too harshly, who is quick toÂ
Erekh apayim—kindness andÂ
lovingly slow to anger, who has
Ve-rav hesed—more than enough lovingkindness for everyone who
needs it and is
Ve-emet—overflowing with truth forÂ
people to find in life’s
Notzer hesed le-alafim—quiet moments, whoÂ
remembers our ancestors, who forgives all of ourÂ
Noseh avon—sins and
transgressions, all of our
Ve-fesha—urges for
violence, and all of ourÂ
Ve-khata—worst mistakes, who
extends boundless compassion to us and, on thisÂ
Ve-nakeh—Yom Kippur, will make our sins
zero so we can be at one. Â