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Oh, to Dance at Purim

black and white photo of woman dancing, arms in the air, head down. She is wearing sunglasses and has her hair up in buns.
There is nothing
Outside of Ekhad.
Duality cannot
We need both light
And darkness
In order to grow.
What good 
Is the sunshine
Without the soil
Needing its warmth?
Darkness celebrates
Our path
By surrounding 
The light;
Its beams stressed
With intention.
Haman and Mordechai
Become more easy
To confuse
The more we dance
With Esther
Upon her
Mystical chariot
As she pulls down
Unity from
The other side
Of Keter.
We are mandated 
To heal,
To shatter 
The shell of shadow
In order to
Redeem the light.
What other way
Is there to do that
Than to approach,
To come near,
To engage with,
But not act upon,
What should never 
Have been named
Blessed are you, 
My own
Yetzer Hara,
For being 
My intimate
And committed 
For showing me
My life’s work,
My life’s 

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