For Chloe
What a time!
What a parashahLIt. Portion or chapter. The weekly parashah (parashat ha'shavua) is that portion of the Torah read weekly in synagogue. The entire Torah is divided into the number of weeks that occur over the course of a year. It is not not precisely 52 weeks because the Hebrew calendar is lunar, so some weeks have holidays with special readings, and some years are leap years.!
So little comfort to
Nestle safely into.
I feel battered
Even though
No whip or stone
Has struck my skin.
Barukh HaShemLit. The Name, referring to the ineffable name of God; used as a substitute for any of the more sacred names of God when not speaking in prayer. Particularly used in conversation.
For the Song of Songs
Sung during Elul.
A balm, made ready,
To soothe those
Who are weakened,
In a field filled
By need.
In the world of senses,
That entry level of mindfulness,
Bridges arise from the mundane,
As Angels carry reprieve
In the form of beauty.
My Nefesh of silk,
Yours of embroidery,
Repair as one small act
Of a glorious (re)creation;
Joining together
On this,
Our side
Of the Gate.