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Healing Affirmation

green mountains above a green valley
When all else fails, I will remember Your sheltering wings…
When life is struggle, I will count my blessings…
When the unexpected overtakes my days, I will find my Source and embrace it…
When I reach out for strength, because I’ve forgotten how strong I truly am, I reach out for the One who lifts us all…
Communicating in my own way; silently, or with words, or in song…
I know that G-d is always present, always listening, always hears…
And though I search for an answer, I may not recognize the  Creator’s response…
The Eternal does not speak in ways so easily understood…

Still, I rest assured that my plea was heard and that there are abundant gifts to be found…
That answers will appear if I will only lift my eyes to the mountains…
When I unlock my heart and open my mind, if I really try…
I may be able to hear the still, small, voice of my soul speaking gently to me, carrying the answers I seek…

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