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“Got Bentsh Amerike”

a construction scene in which a person wearing baggy jeans covered in paint and dust is hunched over a bowl, which is next to a bucket, a barrel, and a sack.
As I bend
hanging laundry on the drying rack
my back twinges    but just a little
ten minutes, I’m done
                    North of me, up the spine
                    of California, people stoop all day,
                    their fingertips chilled blue or heads
                    throbbing under brutal sun, picking kale,
                    carrots, strawberries that fill
                    my refrigerator
Later I lounge
in my ergonomic chair
hear “God Bless America”
sung in Yiddish    “Got Bentsh Amerike
a ceremony before tomorrow’s inauguration.
An immigrant named Isidor Baline became
Irving Berlin and wrote that song
Yiddish and Russian were
Irving Berlin’s mother tongues,
the languages my grandfather spoke
when he emigrated to Milwaukee at eighteen
He worked in Gimbel’s shoes,
stooping to measure customers’ feet,
kneeling to slide on pumps and lace oxfords
He looked up and charmed, his English flawless
One son became an attorney
the other a CPA, his daughter
played harp in the symphony
To labor is to pray, it’s said.
Surely the words are sweetest to God
when they come from those whose labor
is a perpetual bow, a prayer
that their children may rise

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