they are with me as they were before
of course, I have always known that
our soul group visits and revisits
each other in various corporeal
lifetimes on this solid planet and
in our timeless Being states beyond
we plan the life to be better learned
for each one, every blessed birth time
to enhance enrich the fresh new now
having heard His whispers crescendo
each word spelled in flaming symbols
emblazoned into creation to infinity
yet betimes we remember alas more
often forget the power of such love
once more my deathbed levitates
with lightness of memories forsaken
wispy presences exude sweet scents
of immersions in Eden’s innocence
I am enveloped in cool delicate breath
softly gently embraced and kissed as
the orange horizon’s lips are quenched
by a refreshing sip of the aqua sea
peace peace abides as my eternal
most familiar escorts float glowing
radiance as we rise to mingle with
those already dancing swirling in
the grandest ballroom their bright
countenances reflecting rainbow
prisms of jeweled chandeliers rubies
emeralds diamonds faceted polished
by the Master of luminescence bliss
gratitude for all of this for all there is
forever never to fear my child for we
are the I the spark in every you in every
place in the here and here and…..
there is no there only the holy
rightness of everywhere nearer
ever nearer to Me all I’s there be
so dance your best those intricate
intimate steps don’t stiffen limbs
peak ears to hear the melody of
spheres and feel the pulse the
heartbeat which sets the rhythm
for each life’s sway then rest then
return to whirl with us no need for
regrets just yet you will know
what must be known at last
this is the time to smile rejoice