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Search Results for: Courage  – Page 26

Social Justice Tashlikh Prayer

Reinventing My Morning Ritual

I pray this way in the mornings now because I want to feel less afraid; less afraid of the places I have been and less afraid of the path ahead.

Ritual for a Widow to Remove Her Wedding Ring

Ceremony with friends and officiant including song and a ritual handwashing

Finding Comfort After a Miscarriage: A Synagogue Ritual

These prayers are meant to be recited in synagogue as an introduction to birkat hagomel (a prayer said during the Torah service by one who has survived a dangerous situation) by someone who has suffered a miscarriage

The Affinity Prayer: A New Take on the Serenity Prayer

To love oneself is to reflect the image of G-d

A Shehekheyanu for Receiving a Vaccine

"May this vaccine offer protection"


"Then, finally, the doors opened. But I wasn’t ready. Not yet."

Prayer for a Health Care Team

Tipped Pendulum #BlackLivesMatter: From Ferguson to NYC

Editor’s Note: This week’s blog from guest writer Erika Davis of “Black, Gay, Jewish” may not at first seem to be explicitly about Jewish ritual. However, when Erika interrupted her scheduled series to write about her grief around the Eric Garner case, we knew that her story touched on the very things that have brought so many of you to our site over the years. We thank Erika for sharing her story with us and hope you will find comfort and sustenance in her words.

In the Name of those Silenced on 9/11

A poem in memory of those who lost their lives on 9/11

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Our special Resilience Boost package includes curated resources of poetry and prayers to turn to for strength and support and (optional) weekly meditations for hope and equanimity arriving to you by text or email each Tuesday through the election season.

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