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Search Results for: Courage

When I Forget I Am Strong

Affirmations for courage

Cultivating our Courage: A Journey Through October 2024

Rabbi Malkah Binah Klein will guide us in spiritual and embodied practices for cultivating courage, resilience, and compassion through the holidays and leading to the American election.

Cultivating our Courage: A Journey Through October 2024

Rabbi Malkah Binah Klein will guide us in spiritual and embodied practices for cultivating courage, resilience, and compassion through the holidays and leading to the American election.

Cultivating our Courage: A Journey Through October 2024

Rabbi Malkah Binah Klein will guide us in spiritual and embodied practices for cultivating courage, resilience, and compassion through the holidays and leading to the American election.

Cultivating our Courage: A Journey Through October 2024

Rabbi Malkah Binah Klein will guide us in spiritual and embodied practices for cultivating courage, resilience, and compassion through the holidays and leading to the American election.

A Kavannah Before Engaging in Challenging Conversations

This kavannah is for anyone who is about to engage in a challenging or difficult conversation, in any situation that stems from disagreement.

The World and Our Place Within it, in Three Parts

"Through the hundreds of mitzvot / You are trying to teach us / How to live a life / In reverence of interconnection..."

Healing From Jewish Institutional Trauma

"You will not abandon me / even when others who don’t like / what I have to say / choose to gaslight me"

Crown of Esther: A New Ritual for Purim

This Purim ritual centers on Queen Esther's strengths and characteristics.

My Cup

"Carefully, I grope in the dark to find my cup. / This cup dwells within."

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

Our special Resilience Boost package includes curated resources of poetry and prayers to turn to for strength and support and (optional) weekly meditations for hope and equanimity arriving to you by text or email each Tuesday through the election season.

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The Reconstructionist Network