Passover is the most widely celebrated Jewish holiday in North America. What makes Passover appealing to so many of us? Is it the fact that Passover is a home-based holiday, which offers an opportunity for family and friends to gather around the seder table, recalling past memories and creating new ones? Or is it that the core themes of slavery and liberation still resonate so deeply within us that we want to retell the story of Passover again and again each year? From our elaborate holiday preparations through the seder rituals and beyond, the timeless Jewish traditions of Passover have been transformed and enhanced by feminist contributions to Jewish ritual. Seder tables around the world feature new interpretations and practices that give life to the ancient, resonant themes of this powerful holiday. A rich palate of creative readings enlivens the ancient text of the haggadah. The orange on the seder plate, once solely a symbol of gay and lesbian liberation, is now often used to highlight the role of women in Jewish life as well. Miriam’s cup joins Elijah’s on our seder tables, reminding us of the importance of women’s leadership and initiative, of the power of song and dance, and of the living waters that—in Miriam’s honor—sustained us in our desert wanderings.
Including eggs in your seder meal to remind us of the circle of life, and that endings often mark beginnings
Transforming the bread of affliction into the matzah of hope and imagining a world where all are born into freedom
Watch this video or download the MP3’s to learn this chant by Rabbi Shefa Gold
Praying for strength to emerge from our narrow places in order to enter into the promised land
Press Release, Passover 2012
A fun rendition for welcoming Elijah into your home
An invitation for each of the four cups to move us from the narrow places
Fear can be paralyzing, but the season tells us it is time to go
Including Kos Miryam (Miriam’s Cup) in our Passover seder as a symbol of our past redemption
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