Holocaust Remembrance Day (Yom Hasho’ah) allows us to memorialize the greatest tragedy experienced by the Jewish people in modern times. It reminds us that, wrapped up in that unfathomable horror, were millions of individual lives—real people with real stories. It is up to us to learn and share these stories on their behalf. Together, we say we must never forget. Rituals for Yom Hashoah vary. Some communities read names of people killed in the Holocaust, some observe moments of silence. New liturgy is still being developed, and it is sadly relevant, since genocide continues to plague our world.
“We walk on cracked earth / forward on swollen feet…”
“She walked to the outer limit / And in outrage, took out her pen”
“Let us grab hold of our present”
A prose poem describing an experience in the Carmel forest in Israel
A meditation on the healing light of generations and ancestors
A Yizkor to remember the brave Righteous Gentiles who rescued Jews from the Holocaust
A poem that remembers the lives of lost loved ones and those who perished in the Holocaust
A prayer to amplify our ability to remember, to be gentle with our souls, and to help us ensure that such atrocities never happen again
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