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Covenant & Naming Rituals

A couple lovingly gazes at their newborn baby, who is lying on a white blanket.

Historically, Jewish people have formally welcomed boys into the covenant with God, marking the occasion with celebration and circumcision. The birth of a girl was met with joy, but no ritual or communal celebration. We offer a variety of ways to formally welcome both girls and boys. You’ll also find naming rituals and blessings for parents, grandparents and children.

Latest Rituals

Practical matters and traditions to consider for a baby naming ceremony

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Bringing the status and symbolism of covenant to the ceremony for welcoming and naming a daughter

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Go forth to a place I will show you, a land you don’t know

Four people in profile walking with the sunset behind them

Blessing for loved ones (partner, children, guest, etc…) on Shabbat or any occasion

A babys hand gently holding an adults finger on a soft white background.

A naming ceremony written especially for an adopted child

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A prayer for the gift of an adopted child in which the baby is welcomed, the parents pledge to create a good and Jewish life for the child, and ask God’s blessings for the baby’s health and well-being

woman deep breath near celmatis vine
A candle lighting blessing for use during a baby naming
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To be read at a Simchat Bat or Bris by the mother who has just given birth

woman holding newborn baby

The Reconstructionist Network

Serving as central organization of the Reconstructionist movement

Training the next generation of groundbreaking rabbis

Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

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