Historically, Jewish people have formally welcomed boys into the covenant with God, marking the occasion with celebration and circumcision. The birth of a girl was met with joy, but no ritual or communal celebration. We offer a variety of ways to formally welcome both girls and boys. You’ll also find naming rituals and blessings for parents, grandparents and children.
Practical matters and traditions to consider for a baby naming ceremony
Bringing the status and symbolism of covenant to the ceremony for welcoming and naming a daughter
Go forth to a place I will show you, a land you don’t know
Blessing for loved ones (partner, children, guest, etc…) on Shabbat or any occasion
A naming ceremony written especially for an adopted child
A prayer for the gift of an adopted child in which the baby is welcomed, the parents pledge to create a good and Jewish life for the child, and ask God’s blessings for the baby’s health and well-being
To be read at a Simchat Bat or Bris by the mother who has just given birth
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