Historically, Jewish people have formally welcomed boys into the covenant with God, marking the occasion with celebration and circumcision. The birth of a girl was met with joy, but no ritual or communal celebration. We offer a variety of ways to formally welcome both girls and boys. You’ll also find naming rituals and blessings for parents, grandparents and children.
Three categories of verses commonly recited at a naming ceremony
The traditional priestly blessing for a congregation, directed to the newborn
Grandparents blessing for a baby naming
The baby’s feet are washed in a number of ceremonies either as a symbol of covenant or as a symbol of welcome
A slightly longer version of the traditional blessing for welcoming a baby at a babynaming ceremony
Traditional liturgical poem (piyut) for welcoming the baby, also known as “Donash ben Labrat” in Ladino
Traditional liturgical poem (piyut) for welcoming a baby
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