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A meditation intended for locating your inner pharoah
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From A Journey Towards Freedom: A Haggadah for Women Who Have Experienced Domestic Violence The three symbols of Passover narrated from the perspective of women who survived domestic abuse.
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Describes women’s role in ancient Egypt in relation to each of these symbols
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Prayer and Congregational Ketubah for New Torah Scroll

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Contemplates the suffering of others that was part and parcel of our freedom
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The traditional ten plagues of Passsover recast as ten plagues which hurt Jewish women today
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Acknowledging the plagues of battered women and children who live within our midst

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The questions as posed by Miriam (wise of heart), Tamar (rebellious), Ruth (simple and pure), and the “beautiful captive” (the one who cannot ask)
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A dialogue using the traditional four questions and answers relating to women’s experience
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A woman’s answer to the fourth question, “Why do we recline?”

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The Reconstructionist Network

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Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

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