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Type: Complete Ceremony

Latest Rituals

A ritual for a girl’s first period. Includes a circle of names, blessings, candle-lighting, and gift-giving. Ritual objects include a tambourine, red ribbons, a decorative egg, a ring, candles, and red fruits.
abstract red swoosh on black background

A moonlit ceremony on the shores of a brook. Celebrates the entrance of a daughter into womanhood. Includes songs, book-giving, adapted tashlich ritual, and blessings.

moonlit pond surrounded by trees
A description of a menarche ceremony created by a woman for her daughter
new moon in pink sky at sunrise

A private ritual to honor a girl’s entrance into womanhood. Includes rainwater bubble bath, blessings, and teachings on sexual health and well-being.

bathtub with cream colored towel
Riffing on the now-traditional candle-lighting, this ceremony offers a candle for eight women in Jewish history.
A beautiful alternative to a candle-lighting ceremony
Following the synagogue service, a minyan of community members conveys what membership in the community entails.
Circle of women in colorful sweaters touching hands in the middle
A ceremony for Rosh Chodesh Av dedicated to ending violence against women
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Bringing light to a month that has no festivals
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Responsive readings and group activities for Iyar, mentioning Rosh Chodesh, manna, and Iyar’s holidays

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The Reconstructionist Network

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Modeling respectful conversations on pressing Jewish issues

Curating original, Jewish rituals, and convening Jewish creatives

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