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Type: Complete Ceremony

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Kathy, Joyce, and their rabbi found innovative ways to rework the traditional wedding ceremony to suit their needs as two women

two women kissing

This beautiful Covenant of Love ceremony begins with havdalah and is filled with personal expressions of love and well-chosen readings. This ceremony is both a good example of how a lesbian couple reckoned with tradition and also how to make a ceremony extremely personal.

two women holding hands

Sue and Ben wrote a “verbose but helpful guide” to their wedding which is both traditional and egalitarian (incorporating both kiddushin and shutafut)

bride and groom on the beach

An informative wedding booklet which walks the reader through all the traditional elements of a Jewish wedding ceremony

bride and groom in field

A wedding booklet describing one couple’s choices for a traditional-egalitarian Jewish wedding

bride and groom in field

A ritual template for creating a Jewish wedding service that celebrates gender and sexual diversity

two peoples hands making a heart shape together

A tena’im ceremony based on a traditional version but using a new tena’im contract spelling out the couple’s mutual obligations in marriage

What a view!
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A ritual involving both the couple and their parents or other family members

bride with back to camera

On the path from the winter soltice to the vernal equinox and Birkat HaChammah, Blessing of the Sun, with instructions for kindling olive oil in a bowl

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