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Topic Tags: naming

Latest Rituals

A symbol of life, love, and renewal at a baby naming ceremony

cinnamon and star anise

Celebrating the gift of life through faith, love, and courage

mother snuggling baby

A modern prayer for a baby naming

father baby book

A traditional blessing for a girl’s baby naming

newborn girl with headdress

From a traditional Zeved Habat, with slight modifications

silhouette of man holding baby in air

Giving the first gift, the gift of a name

woman deep breath near celmatis vine

Modern prayer in Hebrew and English invoking the matriarchs

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An original baby-naming ceremony using biblical images of the covenant which are not tied to gender. The ceremony makes use of henna as a symbol of the blood of the covenant.

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Draws on traditional Sephardic Zeved Habat ceremony and adds new rituals, including Miriam’s chair and modern poetry

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