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Topic Tags: four cups

Latest Rituals

Kiddush: Humanist liturgy

A silver kiddush cup with a blue design beside a folded dark blue cloth on a table.

“Wine or grape juice?” and why we should make both available at our communal celebrations

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Watch this video or download the MP3’s to learn this chant by Rabbi Shefa Gold

Two women hold ceremonial cups, wearing colorful attire, indoors against a red background.

An invitation for each of the four cups to move us from the narrow places

Three blooming purple and white flowers with yellow centers are surrounded by green leaves.

Many feminist seders connect the four cups to women in Jewish history. These readings link each of God’s four promises to specific women in Jewish history.

Matzo crackers on a silver tray with colorful tulips on the side.

A cup for the women of valor in our own time

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These biographical sketches, listed in alphabetical order, are taken from The Journey Continues: The Ma’yan Passover Haggadah and can be used as readings for the four cups

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A kavanah for peace
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