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This Burden of Rest–Meditation After a Broken Bone

A woman rests on a couch with her eyes closed
After the pain settles, and swear words stop,
I am left with healing of my body.
But healing of body takes time,
and with this broken piece, time is torture.
Moving, working, eating, breathing,
every basic task is a struggle.
I cannot write, and I cannot play,
I cannot draw, or create.
So, when I am left with nothing to do,
I must focus on my healing of body, and mind.
I am left with this torture of immobility,
This curse of inactivity, this burden of rest.
Rest, which so often I crave, and long for,
is now my prison, and it is an inescapable one.
The pain may have subsided days ago,
but the anguish is just beginning to set in.
So, I will rest, and read, and watch all the shows
I have wanted to see until now.
I will sing, and sleep, and remain immobile.
I will stay this way, because if I do not,
I will only further injure an already broken part.
Whether a finger, a toe, a leg, or an arm,
a broken piece is no small thing,
and if time is needed to fully return,
if rest and care is required to fully repair,
then rest and care it shall be.
It will not be easy and I will be bored,
and sad, and angry, and so many feelings
that I do not usually feel, but I will adapt.
And in time, my wounds and bones will heal,
swelling will go down, and skin will return
to its natural place.
And in time, I will forget what this
cage of inaction made me feel.
And in time, I will be hurt again,
because that is the circle of life. And when I am,
I will remember this moment, this pain I feel,
and I will remember how hard and also
how easy it is to rest and heal.

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