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Swelling Grief

a pair of glasses sit on an open book
Before we grow our bodies swell
each month we note the gain in pounds
each visit to family begins with greetings;
“last time I saw you, your head fit in my hand”
“oy vey honey, you’ve grown so much!”
“I remember when you were this big”
“don’t grow up. Stay 5 forever”
Before we die our minds swell
suddenly it seems we might explode
from the wisdom we wish to give away;
“don’t hold back, buy all the clothes you want”
“if you’ve got the time and money, travel”
“Be a mensch, but help yourself too”
“Don’t get sick. Trust me”
When my grandfather died, his body swelled again
fluid filled him, drowning him from inside.
Each time I saw him, he was in pain
but he told us to make ourselves comfortable,
to take his prized books from the shelves of his library.
He was honored we spent time and money to go see him
as if his swelling body were all that mattered
as if his mind was not swelling
He was too tired to give us all his wisdom
Instead he left us his books, his chair, his body.
My grandfather swelled.

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