for recently released hostages Romi Gonen, Emily Damar,and Doron Steinbrecher
They were standing in light, surrounded by love.
Romi and her family, sobbing.
Emily and her family, crying.
Doron and her family, weeping.
All of Israel–sobbing.
The Jews of the world–crying.
The compassionate in this world–weeping.
And these innocents were rejoicing with all of us
At the miracle of their homecoming.
After so much suffering that can hardly be imagined.
That we don’t want to imagine.
And with the memory of all the innocents who were callously slaughtered by evil.
And the sure knowledge that the road to healing will be rough and fraught with pain, though surrounded by love.
Yet—-it was a day for joy, for hope, for peace, for gratitude and blessings.
Welcome home, Romi.
Welcome home, Emily.
Welcome home, Doron.
Barukh atah Adonai, matir asurim.
Blessed are you, Adonai, who frees the captive.