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Sky as Offering: For Canada in the Wake of Domestic Terror and Ottawa Siege

Historic building with a tall clock tower under a dramatic sky at sunset, surrounded by a grassy area.

there is a space between
flags and fireworks
try though we might
to fill and be filled
we must not forget the sky
or this yearning
in the corners we don’t see 
“From Sea to Sea”
A Different Source cries back
—sip from me
‭but you must make passage‬
‭to the very bottom of the water‬
‭here, tomorrow begins‬
‭a country’s new year begins‬
‭in this honest, unglimpsed but persistent place‬
‭together, we can wade in the ocean‬
‭and there in the deep of our neighbor’s backyard‬
‭we will find love holds us‬
‭as we both look anew at the sky and dream‬

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