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Shining our Inner Light on Hanukkah: Meditation for Accessing our Soul’s Potential

This meditation is inspired by the meditation of the Piasetzner rebbe, Rabbi Kalonymos Kalman Shapira, who was a great light in his generation and was murdered in the Shoah. He called it “Envisioning your ideal spiritual self.” He says: “If you have already tried everything without success, if you have tried to rouse your soul with all your means but it has not been aroused to lead the conscious life that it should and to yearn for the spiritual life that behooves it, this is what you should do. […] Hold these images in your mind’s eye. Inevitably you will be roused to a higher awareness.”

The meditation is adapted for Hanukkah, the festival of lights. It is about the hinukh of our souls, learning to realize its potentential. It is about letting our lights shine into a dark world that needs enlightenment, without being shy about it. It is about walking with Hashem, like Hanokh did.


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