On March 11, 2021, Ritualwell gathered a dynamic group of rabbis, poets, musicians, and liturgists to lead a ritual for marking one year since the announcement of the global coronavirus pandemic. Below is a list of all the resources shared at the event, in addition to the full recording of the event above.
Hosted by: Hila Ratzabi & Adva Chattler. Featuring: Trisha Arlin, Cantor Vera Broekhuysen, Kohenet Shamirah Bechirah, aka Sarah Chandler, Cathleen Cohen, Rabbi Sandra Lawson, Rabbi Haviva Ner-David, Heather Paul, Alden Solovy, Suzanne Sabransky. With music by: Elana Bell, Solomon Hoffman, & Sue Horowitz.
- “That We All May Rise,” by Stacey Zisook Robinson, z”l
- “Shed a Tear, Say a Prayer,” by Suzanne Sabransky
- “Kaddish for 2020,” by Rabbi Lily Solochek, Kohenet Shamirah, Rabbinical student May Ye, Rabbi Emily Cohen, Rabbi Raysh Weiss, Rabbi Noam Lerman
- “When the World Is Sick Mi Shebeirakh,” by Rabbi Annie Lewis
- “A Blessing for Washing Hands During a Pandemic,” by Trisha Arlin
- “Who Has Kept Us Alive: Prayer for Receiving the COVID-19 Vaccine,” by Heather Paul
- “Benching Gomel after Receiving the Second Dose of the Vaccine,” by Trisha Arlin
- “Pandemic Sabbath,” “For Waking,” by Cathleen Cohen
- “Prayer for Healers and Essential Workers,” by Cantor Vera Broekhyusen
- “Prayer After Recovering from COVID,” by Rabbi Deborah Waxman
- “Pandemic Anniversary Mikveh Visualization,” by Rabbi Haviva Ner-David
- “Havdalah Blessing Marking the End of the First Year of the COVID Pandemic,” by Hila Ratzabi
- “Harofei – From Psalm 147,” song and video by Solomon Hoffman