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A Prayer for the Return of Sanity

A person crouches in front of a stone wall and large windows, surrounded by greenery.

G-d of Compassion
Blow away the smoke
Put out the fires
Let Your cleansing rains fall

Wash over us with peace
Remove the roots of racism and hatred
Till the Earth with new beginnings and hope
Replace the spoiled with freshness
So much has befallen our world
One weight building upon another
Until the foundation has cracked
Until our supports have begun to crumble
We need You to hear our cries
We beseech You to hear our prayers
We are lost inside a nightmare
And we have forgotten how to wake ourselves
This is a time of mass insanity
A constellation of hardship and trials 
We have strayed from Your pathways
And we fear that You have forsaken us
We are lost as we have never been lost before
We have survived wandering the desert
We searched until we found the promised land
Now we are destroying all that You have built
We need Your help and Your mercy now 
To show us how to correct our course 
We need to find our way back to You
So that this world can become Eden once again
Lift us, awaken us, care for us 
Open our eyes, ears, and hearts
Stop the pain, frustration, and smoldering anger
And we will endeavor to be who You meant us to be

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