From the makor ha’hayim – the Source of All Life – we draw forth these blessings:
blessings of refuah – healing – for all who are ill,
blessings of koakh – strength – to move through all fear and pain, dis-ease and uncertainty,
blessings of nekhamah – comfort – from their families, friends and communities.
Ken yehi ratzon – may this be your will.
V’ken yehi retzoneynu – and may this be our will:
may we support our healers and all who care for the ill and infirm,
may we demand that our leaders and officials honor the public trust entrusted to them by prioritizing the health of our communities.
may we fight for the well-being of those whom our system has left behind and commit to building a society that cares for all who dwell in our midst.
Ve’nomar – and let us say,