אלוהינו ואלוהי אמותינו ואבותינו
Our God and God of our ancestors,
We ask your blessing for the State of Israel and for all of Israel’s inhabitants.
מקור חיים Source of Life, bless and strengthen those who defend the land and ensure their safe and speedy return home.
Protect them and guide them.
קדוש ברוך הוא Holy and Blessed One, show Israel’s leaders your path so they may act with wisdom, courage, and dedication and that they may be unwavering in their pursuit of peace. Strengthen their hearts, but keep them from hardening.
מתיר אסורים Freer of the Captives, return all those who are kidnapped safe and sound to their homes, without the spilling of more innocent blood, without any more souls being tarnished by horrific acts.
בעל הרחמים, Master of Compassion, help us hold the humanity and the heartache of the Jewish people while also holding the humanity and the dignity of the Palestinian people.
As we are made in your image, remind us of your ways. Spread over us your shelter of peace and fulfill the vision of your prophets:
“They shall beat their swords into plowshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation shall not take up sword against nation; they shall never again know war.”
Together, we say: Amen