Prayer Against Tyranny

A prayer for democracy everywhere, with Ukraine foremost in mind. This prayer is based on’s voting prayer.

May You tear out tyranny and despotism,
ruin those who cheat and deceive,
and break those who oppress the vulnerable.
Make the reign of the arrogant disappear from all lands.
May those who attack democracies everywhere stumble and fail,
and may their plans be as nought.
Destroy them, humble them, bring on their downfall, soon, in our days.

May You give to all peoples strength and will
to pursue righteousness and uproot violence,
and to seek peace as a unified force.
Make healing, good life and peace flourish, throughout the world.

תְעַקֵּר טִירוּנִיָא וָעָרִיצוּת וּתְשַׁבֵּר רַמַאִים וּתְמַגֵּר עֹשְׁקֵי נִדְכָּאִים תַעֲבִיר מֶמְשֶׁלֶת זָדוֹן מִן הָאָרֶץ וּתְכַשֵׁל פּוֹגְעִים בְּדֵמוֹקרָטִיָה וְתָּפֵר תַחְבּוּלוֹתם תְכַלֵּם וְתַשְׁפִּילֵם וְתַכְנִיעֵם בִּמְהֵרָה בְיָמֵינו    
תִּתֵּן לְכָל אֻמּוֹת הָעוֹלָם הָכֹּחַ וְהַרָצוֹן לִרְדֹף צֶדֶק וּלְבַקֵּשׁ שָׁלוֹם כְּאַגֻדָה אַחַת
לֲעַקֹר חָמָס וּלְהַצְמִיחַ רְפוּאָה וְחַיִים טוֹבִים וְשָׁלוֹם

May God protect Volodymyr Zelenskyy and let his country triumph over Russian imperialism.

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