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Prayer After Recovering from COVID

Woman wearing a mask standing by a window, eyes closed, hands clasped together.

Praise for recovery
For liberation from ever-shifting, all-consuming symptoms
Gratitude for a respite from fear
Wonder at the return of clarity and energy after brain fog and fatigue
Appreciation for the concern of dear ones near and far
Awe at the fortitude of health care workers attending to so many for so long
Heartbreak at the staggering number of people who did not survive
Profound sympathy for their families and friends in mourning

Blessed are You, O God, ruling spirit of the universe,
Who rewards the undeserving with goodness,
and who has rewarded me with goodness.

Mystery at the heart of this blessing, not justice.
Access to health care,
Flexibility around work,
the color of my skin,
all played a part in my recovery.

In the presence of supportive community,
I offer thanks to the God of Mystery for my recovery
And pledge my renewed energies to work for justice
So that in the future others may rise up into health and safety
and a world oriented toward redemption.


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